SCPI Command :
- class FrontendCls[source]
Frontend commands group definition. 1 total commands, 0 Subgroups, 1 group commands
- get() float [source]
# SCPI: SOURce:TEMPerature:FRONtend value: float = driver.source.temperature.frontend.get()
This command queries the current frontend temperature of the FSW. During self-alignment, the instrument’s (frontend) temperature is also measured (as soon as the instrument has warmed up completely) . This temperature is used as a reference for a continuous temperature check during operation. If the current temperature deviates from the stored self-alignment temperature by a certain degree, a warning is displayed in the status bar indicating the resulting deviation in the measured power levels. A status bit in the STATUs:QUEStionable:TEMPerature register indicates a possible deviation.
- return
temperature: Temperature in degrees Celsius.