SCPI Command :
- class SetCls[source]
Set commands group definition. 1 total commands, 0 Subgroups, 1 group commands
- class SetStruct[source]
Structure for setting input parameters. Fields:
State_Peak: bool: ON | OFF | 0 | 1 Turns peak power evaluation on and off.
State_Rms: bool: ON | OFF | 0 | 1 Turns peak power evaluation on and off.
State_Avg: bool: ON | OFF | 0 | 1 Turns peak power evaluation on and off.
Trigger_Source: enums.TriggerSourceListPower: EXTernal | EXT2 | EXT3 | IMMediate | IFPower | RFPower | VIDeo Selects a trigger source. For more information see ‘Configuring triggered and gated measurements’.
Trigger_Slope: enums.SlopeType: POSitive | NEGative Selects the trigger slop.
Trigger_Offset: float: Defines the trigger delay. Range: negative measurement time to 30 s, Unit: s
Gate_Length: float: Defines the gate length for gated measurements. Setting 0 seconds turns gated measurements off. To perform gated measurements, the trigger source must be different from IMMediate. Range: 31.25 ns to 30 s, Unit: s
- get() SetStruct [source]
# SCPI: [SENSe]:LIST:POWer:SET value: SetStruct = driver.sense.listPy.power.set.get()
Defines global List Evaluation parameters. These parameters are valid for every frequency you want to measure. The state of the first three parameters (<PeakPower>, <RMSPower> and <AVGPower>) define the number of results for each frequency in the list. Note that you have to set the trigger level after sending this command.
- return
structure: for return value, see the help for SetStruct structure arguments.
- set(structure: RsFsw.Implementations.Sense.ListPy.Power.Set.SetCls.SetStruct) None [source]
# SCPI: [SENSe]:LIST:POWer:SET structure = driver.sense.listPy.power.set.SetStruct() structure.State_Peak: bool = False structure.State_Rms: bool = False structure.State_Avg: bool = False structure.Trigger_Source: enums.TriggerSourceListPower = enums.TriggerSourceListPower.EXT2 structure.Trigger_Slope: enums.SlopeType = enums.SlopeType.NEGative structure.Trigger_Offset: float = 1.0 structure.Gate_Length: float = 1.0 driver.sense.listPy.power.set.set(structure)
Defines global List Evaluation parameters. These parameters are valid for every frequency you want to measure. The state of the first three parameters (<PeakPower>, <RMSPower> and <AVGPower>) define the number of results for each frequency in the list. Note that you have to set the trigger level after sending this command.
- param structure
for set value, see the help for SetStruct structure arguments.