SCPI Command :
- class MapCls[source]
Map commands group definition. 1 total commands, 0 Subgroups, 1 group commands
- class MapStruct[source]
Response structure. Fields:
File_Path: str: String containing the drive name or path of the directory you want to map.
Ip: str: String containing the host name of the computer or the IP address and the share name of the drive. ‘/host name or IP address/share name’
User_Name: str: String containing a user name in the network. The user name is optional.
Password: str: String containing the password corresponding to the UserName. The password is optional.
State: bool: ON | OFF | 1 | 0 ON | 1 Reconnects at logon with the same user name. OFF | 0 Does not reconnect at logon.
- get() MapStruct [source]
# SCPI: MMEMory:NETWork:MAP value: MapStruct =
This command maps a drive to a server or server directory of the network. Note that you have to allow sharing for a server or folder in Microsoft networks first.
- return
structure: for return value, see the help for MapStruct structure arguments.
- set(file_path: str, ip: str, user_name: Optional[str] = None, password: Optional[str] = None, state: Optional[bool] = None) None [source]
# SCPI: MMEMory:NETWork:MAP = 'abc', ip = 'abc', user_name = 'abc', password = 'abc', state = False)
This command maps a drive to a server or server directory of the network. Note that you have to allow sharing for a server or folder in Microsoft networks first.
- param file_path
String containing the drive name or path of the directory you want to map.
- param ip
String containing the host name of the computer or the IP address and the share name of the drive. ‘/host name or IP address/share name’
- param user_name
String containing a user name in the network. The user name is optional.
- param password
String containing the password corresponding to the UserName. The password is optional.
- param state
ON | OFF | 1 | 0 ON | 1 Reconnects at logon with the same user name. OFF | 0 Does not reconnect at logon.