SCPI Command :
- class ImpedanceCls[source]
Impedance commands group definition. 2 total commands, 1 Subgroups, 1 group commands
- get() float [source]
# SCPI: INPut:IQ:OSC:IMPedance value: float =
Selects the nominal input impedance of the analog baseband input. The command is not available for measurements with the optional ‘Digital Baseband’ interface. For input from the RF input, use the method RsFsw.Applications.K10x_Lte.InputPy. Impedance.set command. For analog baseband input without an oscilloscope, use the method RsFsw.InputPy.Iq.Impedance. set command.
- return
impedance: 50 | 75 numeric value User-defined impedance from 50 Ohm to 100000000 Ohm (=100 MOhm) User-defined values are only available for the Spectrum application, the I/Q Analyzer (and thus MSRA mode, primary application only) and the optional Docsis 3.1 application. Unit: Ohm
- set(impedance: float) None [source]
# SCPI: INPut:IQ:OSC:IMPedance = 1.0)
Selects the nominal input impedance of the analog baseband input. The command is not available for measurements with the optional ‘Digital Baseband’ interface. For input from the RF input, use the method RsFsw.Applications.K10x_Lte.InputPy. Impedance.set command. For analog baseband input without an oscilloscope, use the method RsFsw.InputPy.Iq.Impedance. set command.
- param impedance
50 | 75 numeric value User-defined impedance from 50 Ohm to 100000000 Ohm (=100 MOhm) User-defined values are only available for the Spectrum application, the I/Q Analyzer (and thus MSRA mode, primary application only) and the optional Docsis 3.1 application. Unit: Ohm
Cloning the Group
# Create a clone of the original group, that exists independently
group2 =