SCPI Command :
- class DestinationCls[source]
Destination commands group definition. 1 total commands, 0 Subgroups, 1 group commands
- get() str [source]
# SCPI: HCOPy:DESTination value: str = driver.hardCopy.destination.get()
This command selects the destination of a print job. Note: To print a screenshot to a file, see method RsFsw.HardCopy. Device.Language.set.
- return
destination: ‘MMEM’ Activates ‘Print to file’. Thus, if the destination of the print function is set to ‘printer’ (see HCOP:DEST1 ‘SYSTem:COMMunicate:PRINter’ or HCOP:DEV:LANG GDI) , the output is redirected to a .PRN file using the selected printer driver. Select the file name with method RsFsw.MassMemory.Name.set. Note: To save a screenshot to a file, see method RsFsw.HardCopy.Device.Language.set. ‘SYSTem:COMMunicate:PRINter’ Sends the hardcopy to a printer and deactivates ‘print to file’. Select the printer with SYSTem:COMMunicate:PRINter:SELectdi . ‘SYSTem:COMMunicate:CLIPboard’ Sends the hardcopy to the clipboard.
- set(destination: str) None [source]
# SCPI: HCOPy:DESTination driver.hardCopy.destination.set(destination = 'abc')
This command selects the destination of a print job. Note: To print a screenshot to a file, see method RsFsw.HardCopy. Device.Language.set.
- param destination
‘MMEM’ Activates ‘Print to file’. Thus, if the destination of the print function is set to ‘printer’ (see HCOP:DEST1 ‘SYSTem:COMMunicate:PRINter’ or HCOP:DEV:LANG GDI) , the output is redirected to a .PRN file using the selected printer driver. Select the file name with method RsFsw.MassMemory.Name.set. Note: To save a screenshot to a file, see method RsFsw.HardCopy.Device.Language.set. ‘SYSTem:COMMunicate:PRINter’ Sends the hardcopy to a printer and deactivates ‘print to file’. Select the printer with SYSTem:COMMunicate:PRINter:SELectdi . ‘SYSTem:COMMunicate:CLIPboard’ Sends the hardcopy to the clipboard.