SCPI Command :
- class XdistribCls[source]
Xdistrib commands group definition. 1 total commands, 0 Subgroups, 1 group commands
- get() RsFsw.enums.Xdistribution [source]
# SCPI: FORMat:DEXPort:XDIStrib value: enums.Xdistribution = driver.formatPy.dexport.xdistrib.get()
Defines how the x-values of the trace are determined in the frequency domain. See ‘X-value of the sweep point’.
- return
xdistribution: STARtstop | BINCentered BINCentered The full measurement span is divided by the number of sweep points to obtain bins. The x-value of the sweep point is defined as the x-value at the center of the bin (bin/2) . STARtstop (Default) : The x-value of the first sweep point corresponds to the starting point of the full measurement span. The x-value of the last sweep point corresponds to the end point of the full measurement span. All other sweep points are divided evenly between the first and last points.
- set(xdistribution: RsFsw.enums.Xdistribution) None [source]
# SCPI: FORMat:DEXPort:XDIStrib driver.formatPy.dexport.xdistrib.set(xdistribution = enums.Xdistribution.BINCentered)
Defines how the x-values of the trace are determined in the frequency domain. See ‘X-value of the sweep point’.
- param xdistribution
STARtstop | BINCentered BINCentered The full measurement span is divided by the number of sweep points to obtain bins. The x-value of the sweep point is defined as the x-value at the center of the bin (bin/2) . STARtstop (Default) : The x-value of the first sweep point corresponds to the starting point of the full measurement span. The x-value of the last sweep point corresponds to the end point of the full measurement span. All other sweep points are divided evenly between the first and last points.