SCPI Command :
- class EqualCls[source]
Equal commands group definition. 1 total commands, 0 Subgroups, 1 group commands
- get() bool [source]
# SCPI: [SENSe]:DEMod:FORMat:BANalyze:SYMBols:EQUal value: bool = driver.applications.k9X11Ad.sense.demod.formatPy.banalyze.symbols.equal.get()
For IEEE 802.11a, ac, g (OFDM) , j, n, p signals only: If enabled, only PPDUs with a specific number of symbols are considered for measurement analysis. If disabled, only PPDUs whose length is within a specified range are considered. The number of symbols is specified by the [SENSe:]DEMod:FORMat:BANalyze:SYMBols:MIN command. A range of data symbols is defined as a minimum and maximum number of symbols the payload may contain (see [SENSe:]DEMod:FORMat:BANalyze:SYMBols:MAX and [SENSe:]DEMod:FORMat:BANalyze:SYMBols:MIN) .
- return
state: ON | OFF | 1 | 0
- set(state: bool) None [source]
# SCPI: [SENSe]:DEMod:FORMat:BANalyze:SYMBols:EQUal driver.applications.k9X11Ad.sense.demod.formatPy.banalyze.symbols.equal.set(state = False)
For IEEE 802.11a, ac, g (OFDM) , j, n, p signals only: If enabled, only PPDUs with a specific number of symbols are considered for measurement analysis. If disabled, only PPDUs whose length is within a specified range are considered. The number of symbols is specified by the [SENSe:]DEMod:FORMat:BANalyze:SYMBols:MIN command. A range of data symbols is defined as a minimum and maximum number of symbols the payload may contain (see [SENSe:]DEMod:FORMat:BANalyze:SYMBols:MAX and [SENSe:]DEMod:FORMat:BANalyze:SYMBols:MIN) .
- param state
ON | OFF | 1 | 0