SCPI Command :
- class ContinuousCls[source]
Continuous commands group definition. 1 total commands, 0 Subgroups, 1 group commands
- get() bool [source]
# SCPI: INITiate:CONTinuous value: bool = driver.applications.k9X11Ad.initiate.continuous.get()
Controls the measurement mode for an individual channel. Note that in single measurement mode, you can synchronize to the end of the measurement with *OPC, *OPC? or *WAI. In continuous measurement mode, synchronization to the end of the measurement is not possible. Thus, it is not recommended that you use continuous measurement mode in remote control, as results like trace data or markers are only valid after a single measurement end synchronization. If the measurement mode is changed for a channel while the Sequencer is active (see method RsFsw.Initiate.Sequencer.Immediate.set) , the mode is only considered the next time the measurement in that channel is activated by the Sequencer.
- return
state: ON | OFF | 0 | 1 ON | 1 Continuous measurement OFF | 0 Single measurement
- set(state: bool) None [source]
# SCPI: INITiate:CONTinuous driver.applications.k9X11Ad.initiate.continuous.set(state = False)
Controls the measurement mode for an individual channel. Note that in single measurement mode, you can synchronize to the end of the measurement with *OPC, *OPC? or *WAI. In continuous measurement mode, synchronization to the end of the measurement is not possible. Thus, it is not recommended that you use continuous measurement mode in remote control, as results like trace data or markers are only valid after a single measurement end synchronization. If the measurement mode is changed for a channel while the Sequencer is active (see method RsFsw.Initiate.Sequencer.Immediate.set) , the mode is only considered the next time the measurement in that channel is activated by the Sequencer.
- param state
ON | OFF | 0 | 1 ON | 1 Continuous measurement OFF | 0 Single measurement