SCPI Command :
- class StateCls[source]
State commands group definition. 1 total commands, 0 Subgroups, 1 group commands
- class StateStruct[source]
Response structure. Fields:
Position: int: No parameter help available
Filename: str: String containing the path and name of the file. The file extension is .iq.tar.
- get(store=Store.Default) StateStruct [source]
# SCPI: MMEMory:STORe<n>:IQNC:STATe value: StateStruct = = repcap.Store.Default)
- Exports the I/Q data for a single PPDU with the analyzer noise removed to a file.
INTRO_CMD_HELP: Prerequisites for this command:
Turn on I/Q noise cancellation. (See [SENSe:]ADJust:NCANcel:AVERage[:STATe]) .
- param store
optional repeated capability selector. Default value: Pos1 (settable in the interface ‘Store’)
- return
structure: for return value, see the help for StateStruct structure arguments.
- set(position: int, filename: str, store=Store.Default) None [source]
# SCPI: MMEMory:STORe<n>:IQNC:STATe = 1, filename = 'abc', store = repcap.Store.Default)
- Exports the I/Q data for a single PPDU with the analyzer noise removed to a file.
INTRO_CMD_HELP: Prerequisites for this command:
Turn on I/Q noise cancellation. (See [SENSe:]ADJust:NCANcel:AVERage[:STATe]) .
- param position
- param filename
String containing the path and name of the file. The file extension is .iq.tar.
- param store
optional repeated capability selector. Default value: Pos1 (settable in the interface ‘Store’)