SCPI Command :
- class SymbolRateCls[source]
SymbolRate commands group definition. 2 total commands, 1 Subgroups, 1 group commands
- get() float [source]
# SCPI: INPut:DIQ:SRATe value: float = driver.applications.k91Wlan.inputPy.diq.symbolRate.get()
Specifies or queries the sample rate of the input signal from the optional ‘Digital Baseband’ interface. (See ‘Input Sample Rate’) . Note: the final user sample rate of the FSW can differ and is defined using method RsFsw.Applications. K10x_Lte.Trace.Iq.SymbolRate.get_ (see method RsFsw.Applications.K10x_Lte.Trace.Iq.SymbolRate.get_) .
- return
sample_rate: Range: 1 Hz to 20 GHz, Unit: HZ
- set(sample_rate: float) None [source]
# SCPI: INPut:DIQ:SRATe driver.applications.k91Wlan.inputPy.diq.symbolRate.set(sample_rate = 1.0)
Specifies or queries the sample rate of the input signal from the optional ‘Digital Baseband’ interface. (See ‘Input Sample Rate’) . Note: the final user sample rate of the FSW can differ and is defined using method RsFsw.Applications. K10x_Lte.Trace.Iq.SymbolRate.get_ (see method RsFsw.Applications.K10x_Lte.Trace.Iq.SymbolRate.get_) .
- param sample_rate
Range: 1 Hz to 20 GHz, Unit: HZ
Cloning the Group
# Create a clone of the original group, that exists independently
group2 = driver.applications.k91Wlan.inputPy.diq.symbolRate.clone()