SCPI Command :
- class AutoCls[source]
Auto commands group definition. 6 total commands, 3 Subgroups, 1 group commands
- get() bool [source]
# SCPI: CONFigure:POWer:AUTO value: bool =
Is used to switch on or off automatic power level detection.
- return
mode: ON Automatic power level detection is performed at the start of each measurement sweep, and the reference level is adapted accordingly. OFF The reference level must be defined manually (see method RsFsw.Applications.K60_Transient.Display.Window.Trace.Y.Scale.RefLevel.set) ONCE Automatic power level detection is performed once at the start of the next measurement sweep, and the reference level is adapted accordingly. The command with this parameter corresponds to [SENSe:]ADJust:LEVel.
- set(mode: bool) None [source]
# SCPI: CONFigure:POWer:AUTO = False)
Is used to switch on or off automatic power level detection.
- param mode
ON Automatic power level detection is performed at the start of each measurement sweep, and the reference level is adapted accordingly. OFF The reference level must be defined manually (see method RsFsw.Applications.K60_Transient.Display.Window.Trace.Y.Scale.RefLevel.set) ONCE Automatic power level detection is performed once at the start of the next measurement sweep, and the reference level is adapted accordingly. The command with this parameter corresponds to [SENSe:]ADJust:LEVel.
Cloning the Group
# Create a clone of the original group, that exists independently
group2 =