SCPI Command :
- class CompensationCls[source]
Compensation commands group definition. 1 total commands, 0 Subgroups, 1 group commands
- get(window=Window.Default) bool [source]
# SCPI: CALCulate<n>:FSK:DEViation:COMPensation value: bool = driver.applications.k70Vsa.calculate.fsk.deviation.compensation.get(window = repcap.Window.Default)
Defines whether the deviation error is compensated for when calculating the frequency error for FSK modulation. Note that this command is maintained for compatibility reasons only. For newer remote programs, use [SENSe:]DDEMod:NORMalize:FDERror.
- param window
optional repeated capability selector. Default value: Nr1 (settable in the interface ‘Calculate’)
- return
state: ON | 1 Scales the reference signal to the actual deviation of the measurement signal. OFF | 0 Uses the entered nominal deviation for the reference signal.
- set(state: bool, window=Window.Default) None [source]
# SCPI: CALCulate<n>:FSK:DEViation:COMPensation driver.applications.k70Vsa.calculate.fsk.deviation.compensation.set(state = False, window = repcap.Window.Default)
Defines whether the deviation error is compensated for when calculating the frequency error for FSK modulation. Note that this command is maintained for compatibility reasons only. For newer remote programs, use [SENSe:]DDEMod:NORMalize:FDERror.
- param state
ON | 1 Scales the reference signal to the actual deviation of the measurement signal. OFF | 0 Uses the entered nominal deviation for the reference signal.
- param window
optional repeated capability selector. Default value: Nr1 (settable in the interface ‘Calculate’)