SCPI Command :
- class TimeCls[source]
Time commands group definition. 1 total commands, 0 Subgroups, 1 group commands
- get() float [source]
# SCPI: [SENSe]:SWEep:SCAPture:OFFSet[:TIME] value: float = driver.applications.k6Pulse.sense.sweep.scapture.offset.time.get()
Defines an offset to the trigger event at which data capturing starts. For a negative offset, data capturing starts before the actual trigger event.
- return
time: Unit: s
- set(time: float) None [source]
# SCPI: [SENSe]:SWEep:SCAPture:OFFSet[:TIME] driver.applications.k6Pulse.sense.sweep.scapture.offset.time.set(time = 1.0)
Defines an offset to the trigger event at which data capturing starts. For a negative offset, data capturing starts before the actual trigger event.
- param time
Unit: s