SCPI Command :
- class LimitCls[source]
Limit commands group definition. 1 total commands, 0 Subgroups, 1 group commands
- get(query_range: RsFsw.enums.SelectionRange) str [source]
# SCPI: [SENSe]:PULSe:TIMing:SETTling:LIMit value: str = driver.applications.k6Pulse.sense.pulse.timing.settling.limit.get(query_range = enums.SelectionRange.ALL)
Returns a comma-separated list of results for the limit check for the specified parameter and number of pulses. For details on available parameters see ‘Pulse parameters’. The limit check for an individual parameter is defined using the CALCulate<n>:TABLe:<ParameterGroup>:<Parameter>:LIMit:STATe commands. Commands for the parameter group <TSIDelobe> are only available if the additional option FSW-K6S is installed.
- param query_range
SELected | CURRent | ALL Determines which pulses are checked against the limits SELected Currently selected pulse CURRent Detected pulses in the current capture buffer ALL All detected pulses in the entire measurement.
- return
check_result: char_data