SCPI Command :
- class RangeCls[source]
Range commands group definition. 1 total commands, 0 Subgroups, 1 group commands
- get(store=Store.Default) RsFsw.enums.IqRangeType [source]
# SCPI: MMEMory:STORe<n>:IQ:RANGe value: enums.IqRangeType = driver.applications.k6Pulse.massMemory.store.iq.range.get(store = repcap.Store.Default)
Sets the range of the I/Q data to store. The suffix <n> is irrelevant.
- param store
optional repeated capability selector. Default value: Pos1 (settable in the interface ‘Store’)
- return
range_type: CAPTure | RRANge CAPTure The entire capture buffer is exported. RRANge The result range only (that is, the currently selected pulse; see SENSe:TRACe:MEASurement:DEFine:PULSe:SELected) is exported.
- set(range_type: RsFsw.enums.IqRangeType, store=Store.Default) None [source]
# SCPI: MMEMory:STORe<n>:IQ:RANGe driver.applications.k6Pulse.massMemory.store.iq.range.set(range_type = enums.IqRangeType.CAPTure, store = repcap.Store.Default)
Sets the range of the I/Q data to store. The suffix <n> is irrelevant.
- param range_type
CAPTure | RRANge CAPTure The entire capture buffer is exported. RRANge The result range only (that is, the currently selected pulse; see SENSe:TRACe:MEASurement:DEFine:PULSe:SELected) is exported.
- param store
optional repeated capability selector. Default value: Pos1 (settable in the interface ‘Store’)