SCPI Command :
- class StandardDevCls[source]
StandardDev commands group definition. 1 total commands, 0 Subgroups, 1 group commands
- get(query_range: RsFsw.enums.SelectionRangeB) float [source]
# SCPI: [SENSe]:HOP:POWer:MINPower:SDEViation value: float = driver.applications.k60Transient.sense.hop.power.minPower.standardDev.get(query_range = enums.SelectionRangeB.ALL)
Returns the statistical value for the minimum power from the statistics table for the specified hop(s) .
- param query_range
CURRent | ALL CURRent Detected hops in the current capture buffer ALL All hops detected in the entire measurement
- return
result: CURRent | ALL CURRent Detected hops in the current capture buffer ALL All hops detected in the entire measurement