SCPI Command :
- class TracesCls[source]
Traces commands group definition. 1 total commands, 0 Subgroups, 1 group commands
- get() RsFsw.enums.SelectionScope [source]
# SCPI: FORMat:DIMPort:TRACes value: enums.SelectionScope = driver.applications.k40PhaseNoise.formatPy.dimport.traces.get()
Selects the data to be included in a data import file (see method RsFsw.MassMemory.Load.Trace.set) . For details on importing data see ‘How to import traces’.
- return
selection: SINGle | ALL SINGle Only a single trace is selected for import, namely the one specified by the method RsFsw.MassMemory.Load.Trace.set command. ALL Imports several traces at once, overwriting the existing trace data for any active trace in the result display with the same trace number. Data from the import file for currently not active traces is not imported. The trace parameter for the method RsFsw.MassMemory.Load.Trace.set command is ignored.
- set(selection: RsFsw.enums.SelectionScope) None [source]
# SCPI: FORMat:DIMPort:TRACes driver.applications.k40PhaseNoise.formatPy.dimport.traces.set(selection = enums.SelectionScope.ALL)
Selects the data to be included in a data import file (see method RsFsw.MassMemory.Load.Trace.set) . For details on importing data see ‘How to import traces’.
- param selection
SINGle | ALL SINGle Only a single trace is selected for import, namely the one specified by the method RsFsw.MassMemory.Load.Trace.set command. ALL Imports several traces at once, overwriting the existing trace data for any active trace in the result display with the same trace number. Data from the import file for currently not active traces is not imported. The trace parameter for the method RsFsw.MassMemory.Load.Trace.set command is ignored.