SCPI Command :
- class VswrCls[source]
Vswr commands group definition. 1 total commands, 0 Subgroups, 1 group commands
- get(window=Window.Default) float [source]
# SCPI: CALCulate<n>:UNCertainty:MATCh:SOURce:CALibration[:VSWR] value: float = driver.applications.k30NoiseFigure.calculate.uncertainty.match.source.calibration.vswr.get(window = repcap.Window.Default)
Defines the VSWR at the calibration noise source output. Is available when [SENSe:]CORRection:ENR:COMMon and method RsFsw. Applications.K30_NoiseFigure.Calculate.Uncertainty.Common.set are off. If a smart noise source is used, the VSWR values defined in the SNS table are used.
- param window
optional repeated capability selector. Default value: Nr1 (settable in the interface ‘Calculate’)
- return
vswr: No help available
- set(vswr: float, window=Window.Default) None [source]
# SCPI: CALCulate<n>:UNCertainty:MATCh:SOURce:CALibration[:VSWR] driver.applications.k30NoiseFigure.calculate.uncertainty.match.source.calibration.vswr.set(vswr = 1.0, window = repcap.Window.Default)
Defines the VSWR at the calibration noise source output. Is available when [SENSe:]CORRection:ENR:COMMon and method RsFsw. Applications.K30_NoiseFigure.Calculate.Uncertainty.Common.set are off. If a smart noise source is used, the VSWR values defined in the SNS table are used.
- param vswr
- param window
optional repeated capability selector. Default value: Nr1 (settable in the interface ‘Calculate’)