
SCPI Command :

class UaChannelCls[source]

UaChannel commands group definition. 1 total commands, 0 Subgroups, 1 group commands

get() float[source]
# SCPI: [SENSe]:POWer:ACHannel:FILTer:ALPHa:UACHannel
value: float = driver.applications.k14Xnr5G.sense.power.achannel.filterPy.alpha.uaChannel.get()

Defines the roll-off factor for the upper adjacent channel weighting filter for asymmetrical MSR signals. To configure the factor for the upper adjacent channel, use the [SENSe:]POWer:ACHannel:FILTer:ALPHa:ACHannel command.


alpha: Roll-off factor Range: 0 to 1

set(alpha: float) None[source]
# SCPI: [SENSe]:POWer:ACHannel:FILTer:ALPHa:UACHannel
driver.applications.k14Xnr5G.sense.power.achannel.filterPy.alpha.uaChannel.set(alpha = 1.0)

Defines the roll-off factor for the upper adjacent channel weighting filter for asymmetrical MSR signals. To configure the factor for the upper adjacent channel, use the [SENSe:]POWer:ACHannel:FILTer:ALPHa:ACHannel command.

param alpha

Roll-off factor Range: 0 to 1