SCPI Command :
- class OpowerCls[source]
Opower commands group definition. 1 total commands, 0 Subgroups, 1 group commands
- get() RsFsw.enums.OffPowerUnit [source]
# SCPI: UNIT:OPOWer value: enums.OffPowerUnit = driver.applications.k10Xlte.unit.opower.get()
Selects the unit the off power (transmit on / off power measurements) is displayed in.
- return
unit: DBM Displays the power as an absolute value in dBm. DMHZ Displays the power as a relative value in dBm/MHz.
- set(unit: RsFsw.enums.OffPowerUnit) None [source]
# SCPI: UNIT:OPOWer driver.applications.k10Xlte.unit.opower.set(unit = enums.OffPowerUnit.DBM)
Selects the unit the off power (transmit on / off power measurements) is displayed in.
- param unit
DBM Displays the power as an absolute value in dBm. DMHZ Displays the power as a relative value in dBm/MHz.