Source code for RsSmw.Implementations.Source.Bb.Gnss

from .....Internal.Core import Core
from .....Internal.CommandsGroup import CommandsGroup
from .....Internal import Conversions
from .....Internal.Utilities import trim_str_response
from ..... import enums

# noinspection PyPep8Naming,PyAttributeOutsideInit,SpellCheckingInspection
[docs]class GnssCls: """Gnss commands group definition. 2427 total commands, 28 Subgroups, 6 group commands""" def __init__(self, core: Core, parent): self._core = core self._cmd_group = CommandsGroup("gnss", core, parent) @property def adGeneration(self): """adGeneration commands group. 9 Sub-classes, 1 commands.""" if not hasattr(self, '_adGeneration'): from .AdGeneration import AdGenerationCls self._adGeneration = AdGenerationCls(self._core, self._cmd_group) return self._adGeneration @property def apattern(self): """apattern commands group. 1 Sub-classes, 0 commands.""" if not hasattr(self, '_apattern'): from .Apattern import ApatternCls self._apattern = ApatternCls(self._core, self._cmd_group) return self._apattern @property def atmospheric(self): """atmospheric commands group. 7 Sub-classes, 0 commands.""" if not hasattr(self, '_atmospheric'): from .Atmospheric import AtmosphericCls self._atmospheric = AtmosphericCls(self._core, self._cmd_group) return self._atmospheric @property def awgn(self): """awgn commands group. 1 Sub-classes, 0 commands.""" if not hasattr(self, '_awgn'): from .Awgn import AwgnCls self._awgn = AwgnCls(self._core, self._cmd_group) return self._awgn @property def body(self): """body commands group. 1 Sub-classes, 0 commands.""" if not hasattr(self, '_body'): from .Body import BodyCls self._body = BodyCls(self._core, self._cmd_group) return self._body @property def clock(self): """clock commands group. 0 Sub-classes, 3 commands.""" if not hasattr(self, '_clock'): from .Clock import ClockCls self._clock = ClockCls(self._core, self._cmd_group) return self._clock @property def galileo(self): """galileo commands group. 1 Sub-classes, 0 commands.""" if not hasattr(self, '_galileo'): from .Galileo import GalileoCls self._galileo = GalileoCls(self._core, self._cmd_group) return self._galileo @property def l1Band(self): """l1Band commands group. 0 Sub-classes, 1 commands.""" if not hasattr(self, '_l1Band'): from .L1Band import L1BandCls self._l1Band = L1BandCls(self._core, self._cmd_group) return self._l1Band @property def l2Band(self): """l2Band commands group. 0 Sub-classes, 1 commands.""" if not hasattr(self, '_l2Band'): from .L2Band import L2BandCls self._l2Band = L2BandCls(self._core, self._cmd_group) return self._l2Band @property def l5Band(self): """l5Band commands group. 0 Sub-classes, 1 commands.""" if not hasattr(self, '_l5Band'): from .L5Band import L5BandCls self._l5Band = L5BandCls(self._core, self._cmd_group) return self._l5Band @property def logging(self): """logging commands group. 4 Sub-classes, 1 commands.""" if not hasattr(self, '_logging'): from .Logging import LoggingCls self._logging = LoggingCls(self._core, self._cmd_group) return self._logging @property def monitor(self): """monitor commands group. 1 Sub-classes, 0 commands.""" if not hasattr(self, '_monitor'): from .Monitor import MonitorCls self._monitor = MonitorCls(self._core, self._cmd_group) return self._monitor @property def obscuration(self): """obscuration commands group. 3 Sub-classes, 0 commands.""" if not hasattr(self, '_obscuration'): from .Obscuration import ObscurationCls self._obscuration = ObscurationCls(self._core, self._cmd_group) return self._obscuration @property def ostreams(self): """ostreams commands group. 1 Sub-classes, 3 commands.""" if not hasattr(self, '_ostreams'): from .Ostreams import OstreamsCls self._ostreams = OstreamsCls(self._core, self._cmd_group) return self._ostreams @property def perrors(self): """perrors commands group. 0 Sub-classes, 1 commands.""" if not hasattr(self, '_perrors'): from .Perrors import PerrorsCls self._perrors = PerrorsCls(self._core, self._cmd_group) return self._perrors @property def power(self): """power commands group. 0 Sub-classes, 1 commands.""" if not hasattr(self, '_power'): from .Power import PowerCls self._power = PowerCls(self._core, self._cmd_group) return self._power @property def receiver(self): """receiver commands group. 1 Sub-classes, 0 commands.""" if not hasattr(self, '_receiver'): from .Receiver import ReceiverCls self._receiver = ReceiverCls(self._core, self._cmd_group) return self._receiver @property def rt(self): """rt commands group. 9 Sub-classes, 4 commands.""" if not hasattr(self, '_rt'): from .Rt import RtCls self._rt = RtCls(self._core, self._cmd_group) return self._rt @property def rtk(self): """rtk commands group. 2 Sub-classes, 5 commands.""" if not hasattr(self, '_rtk'): from .Rtk import RtkCls self._rtk = RtkCls(self._core, self._cmd_group) return self._rtk @property def setting(self): """setting commands group. 2 Sub-classes, 3 commands.""" if not hasattr(self, '_setting'): from .Setting import SettingCls self._setting = SettingCls(self._core, self._cmd_group) return self._setting @property def simulation(self): """simulation commands group. 0 Sub-classes, 1 commands.""" if not hasattr(self, '_simulation'): from .Simulation import SimulationCls self._simulation = SimulationCls(self._core, self._cmd_group) return self._simulation @property def stream(self): """stream commands group. 10 Sub-classes, 0 commands.""" if not hasattr(self, '_stream'): from .Stream import StreamCls self._stream = StreamCls(self._core, self._cmd_group) return self._stream @property def sv(self): """sv commands group. 9 Sub-classes, 0 commands.""" if not hasattr(self, '_sv'): from .Sv import SvCls self._sv = SvCls(self._core, self._cmd_group) return self._sv @property def svid(self): """svid commands group. 7 Sub-classes, 0 commands.""" if not hasattr(self, '_svid'): from .Svid import SvidCls self._svid = SvidCls(self._core, self._cmd_group) return self._svid @property def system(self): """system commands group. 7 Sub-classes, 0 commands.""" if not hasattr(self, '_system'): from .System import SystemCls self._system = SystemCls(self._core, self._cmd_group) return self._system @property def time(self): """time commands group. 2 Sub-classes, 0 commands.""" if not hasattr(self, '_time'): from .Time import TimeCls self._time = TimeCls(self._core, self._cmd_group) return self._time @property def trigger(self): """trigger commands group. 6 Sub-classes, 4 commands.""" if not hasattr(self, '_trigger'): from .Trigger import TriggerCls self._trigger = TriggerCls(self._core, self._cmd_group) return self._trigger @property def vehicle(self): """vehicle commands group. 1 Sub-classes, 1 commands.""" if not hasattr(self, '_vehicle'): from .Vehicle import VehicleCls self._vehicle = VehicleCls(self._core, self._cmd_group) return self._vehicle
[docs] def get_cfrequency(self) -> int: """SCPI: [SOURce<HW>]:BB:GNSS:CFRequency \n Snippet: value: int = \n Queries the central RF frequency. The response is a mean value depending on enabled RF bands and GNSS systems. \n :return: central_rf_freq: integer Range: 1E9 to 2E9, Unit: Hz """ response ='SOURce<HwInstance>:BB:GNSS:CFRequency?') return Conversions.str_to_int(response)
[docs] def preset(self) -> None: """SCPI: [SOURce<HW>]:BB:GNSS:PRESet \n Snippet: \n Sets the parameters of the digital standard to their default values (*RST values specified for the commands) . Not affected is the state set with the command SOURce<hw>:BB:GNSS:STATe. \n """'SOURce<HwInstance>:BB:GNSS:PRESet')
[docs] def preset_with_opc(self, opc_timeout_ms: int = -1) -> None: """SCPI: [SOURce<HW>]:BB:GNSS:PRESet \n Snippet: \n Sets the parameters of the digital standard to their default values (*RST values specified for the commands) . Not affected is the state set with the command SOURce<hw>:BB:GNSS:STATe. \n Same as preset, but waits for the operation to complete before continuing further. Use the RsSmw.utilities.opc_timeout_set() to set the timeout value. \n :param opc_timeout_ms: Maximum time to wait in milliseconds, valid only for this call."""'SOURce<HwInstance>:BB:GNSS:PRESet', opc_timeout_ms)
[docs] def get_scenario(self) -> str: """SCPI: [SOURce<HW>]:BB:GNSS:SCENario \n Snippet: value: str = \n Queries the current scenario. \n :return: scenario: string NONE Indicates the preset configuration or a user-defined configuration. Scenario name Returns the scenario name of a predefined scenario, e.g. '3GPP TS 37.571-2: S7 Signaling ST1'. See 'Predefined GNSS scenarios'. Filename Returns the filename of a saved, user-defined scenario. The scenario file has the extension *.gnss. """ response ='SOURce<HwInstance>:BB:GNSS:SCENario?') return trim_str_response(response)
[docs] def get_ss_values(self) -> bool: """SCPI: [SOURce<HW>]:BB:GNSS:SSValues \n Snippet: value: bool = \n Defines if the navigation message parameters are set as scaled or unscaled values and thus which subset of remote-control commands is used. \n :return: show_scaled_value: 1| ON| 0| OFF 0 Used are unscaled values The SOURcehw:BB:GNSS:...:UNSCaled commands apply. 1 Used are scaled values Commands without the mnemonic UNSCaled apply. """ response ='SOURce<HwInstance>:BB:GNSS:SSValues?') return Conversions.str_to_bool(response)
[docs] def set_ss_values(self, show_scaled_value: bool) -> None: """SCPI: [SOURce<HW>]:BB:GNSS:SSValues \n Snippet: = False) \n Defines if the navigation message parameters are set as scaled or unscaled values and thus which subset of remote-control commands is used. \n :param show_scaled_value: 1| ON| 0| OFF 0 Used are unscaled values The SOURcehw:BB:GNSS:...:UNSCaled commands apply. 1 Used are scaled values Commands without the mnemonic UNSCaled apply. """ param = Conversions.bool_to_str(show_scaled_value)'SOURce<HwInstance>:BB:GNSS:SSValues {param}')
[docs] def get_state(self) -> bool: """SCPI: [SOURce<HW>]:BB:GNSS:STATe \n Snippet: value: bool = \n Enables/disables the GNSS signal simulation. \n :return: state: 1| ON| 0| OFF """ response ='SOURce<HwInstance>:BB:GNSS:STATe?') return Conversions.str_to_bool(response)
[docs] def set_state(self, state: bool) -> None: """SCPI: [SOURce<HW>]:BB:GNSS:STATe \n Snippet: = False) \n Enables/disables the GNSS signal simulation. \n :param state: 1| ON| 0| OFF """ param = Conversions.bool_to_str(state)'SOURce<HwInstance>:BB:GNSS:STATe {param}')
# noinspection PyTypeChecker
[docs] def get_tmode(self) -> enums.SimMode2: """SCPI: [SOURce<HW>]:BB:GNSS:TMODe \n Snippet: value: enums.SimMode2 = \n Sets the test mode. \n :return: smode: NAVigation| TRACking """ response ='SOURce<HwInstance>:BB:GNSS:TMODe?') return Conversions.str_to_scalar_enum(response, enums.SimMode2)
[docs] def set_tmode(self, smode: enums.SimMode2) -> None: """SCPI: [SOURce<HW>]:BB:GNSS:TMODe \n Snippet: = enums.SimMode2.AMSJammer) \n Sets the test mode. \n :param smode: NAVigation| TRACking """ param = Conversions.enum_scalar_to_str(smode, enums.SimMode2)'SOURce<HwInstance>:BB:GNSS:TMODe {param}')
def clone(self) -> 'GnssCls': """Clones the group by creating new object from it and its whole existing subgroups Also copies all the existing default Repeated Capabilities setting, which you can change independently without affecting the original group""" new_group = GnssCls(self._core, self._cmd_group.parent) self._cmd_group.synchronize_repcaps(new_group) return new_group