Source code for RsSmw.Implementations.Sconfiguration.RfAlignment.Setup.Info.Wiring.Lo

from .......Internal.Core import Core
from .......Internal.CommandsGroup import CommandsGroup
from .......Internal import Conversions
from ....... import enums

# noinspection PyPep8Naming,PyAttributeOutsideInit,SpellCheckingInspection
[docs]class LoCls: """Lo commands group definition. 2 total commands, 0 Subgroups, 2 group commands""" def __init__(self, core: Core, parent): self._core = core self._cmd_group = CommandsGroup("lo", core, parent) # noinspection PyTypeChecker
[docs] def get_constellation(self) -> enums.RfPortWiringConf: """SCPI: SCONfiguration:RFALignment:SETup:INFO:WIRing:LO:CONStellation \n Snippet: value: enums.RfPortWiringConf = \n Queries the connection method used to distribute the LO frequency signal. \n :return: constellation: DCHain| STAR DCHain Daisy chain STAR Star """ response ='SCONfiguration:RFALignment:SETup:INFO:WIRing:LO:CONStellation?') return Conversions.str_to_scalar_enum(response, enums.RfPortWiringConf)
# noinspection PyTypeChecker
[docs] def get_source(self) -> enums.RfPortWiringSour: """SCPI: SCONfiguration:RFALignment:SETup:INFO:WIRing:LO:SOURce \n Snippet: value: enums.RfPortWiringSour = \n Queries if the current instrument uses its own or an external LO signal. \n :return: source: PRIMary| EXTernal PRIMary The instrument uses its LO signal and provides it to the other instruments. EXTernal The instrument uses an external LO signal, for example from other R&S SMW (the one with SCONfiguration:RFALignment:SETup:INFO:WIRing:LO:SOURce PRIMary) . """ response ='SCONfiguration:RFALignment:SETup:INFO:WIRing:LO:SOURce?') return Conversions.str_to_scalar_enum(response, enums.RfPortWiringSour)