Source code for RsFsw.Internal.ScpiLogger

"""Interface for SCPI communication logging."""
import socket
from enum import Enum
from datetime import datetime
import re
import string
from typing import List
from textwrap import wrap

from .Utilities import get_plural_string, shorten_string_middle, escape_nonprintable_chars, size_to_kb_mb_string, calculate_chunks_count
from .InstrumentErrors import RsInstrException
from .Conversions import list_to_csv_str, convert_ts_to_datetime, get_timedelta_string, get_timestamp_string, get_timedelta_fixed_string
from .GlobalData import GlobalData

class LoggingMode(Enum):
    """Determines the format of the logging message."""
    Off = 0  # Don't write messages to log
    On = 1  # Write message to log
    Errors = 2  # Only log errors. This is like 'Off', with the exception, that VisaIOErrors are logged.
    Default = 3  # Default mode

class LogEntry:
    """One entry in the log Defined by content, which has all the variables resolved except the START_TIME and the end_time."""


    def __init__(self, start_time: datetime or None or float, end_time: datetime or None or float, device_name: str, log_string_info: str, log_string: str, cmd: str or None, add_new_line: bool, error: bool, raw: bool, binary: bool):
        self._start_time: datetime = start_time
        self._end_time: datetime = end_time
        self._device_name: str = device_name
        self._log_string_info: str = log_string_info
        self._log_string: str = log_string
        self._cmd: str or None = cmd
        self._raw: bool = raw
        self._binary: bool = binary
        self._timestamp_reference_time: datetime or None = None

        # Public properties
        self.add_new_line: bool = add_new_line
        self.error: bool = error

    def as_raw_content(cls, content: str, add_new_line: bool) -> 'LogEntry':
        """Create the entry as raw"""
        return cls(start_time=None, end_time=None, device_name='', log_string_info='', log_string=content, cmd=None, add_new_line=add_new_line, error=False, raw=True, binary=False)

    def as_raw_error_content(cls, content: str, add_new_line: bool) -> 'LogEntry':
        """Create the entry as raw"""
        return cls(start_time=None, end_time=None, device_name='', log_string_info='', log_string=content, cmd=None, add_new_line=add_new_line, error=True, raw=True, binary=False)

    def as_info_entry(cls, start_time: datetime or None, end_time: datetime or None, device_name: str, log_string_info: str, log_string: str, cmd: str or None, add_new_line: bool) -> 'LogEntry':
        """Create the entry as info entry."""
        return cls(start_time=start_time, end_time=end_time, device_name=device_name, log_string_info=log_string_info, log_string=log_string, cmd=cmd, add_new_line=add_new_line, error=False, raw=False, binary=False)

    def as_error_entry(cls, start_time: datetime or None, end_time: datetime or None, device_name: str, log_string_info: str, log_string: str, cmd: str or None, add_new_line: bool) -> 'LogEntry':
        """Create the entry as info entry."""
        return cls(start_time=start_time, end_time=end_time, device_name=device_name, log_string_info=log_string_info, log_string=log_string, cmd=cmd, add_new_line=add_new_line, error=True, raw=False, binary=False)

    def as_info_bin_entry(cls, start_time: datetime or None, end_time: datetime or None, device_name: str, log_string_info: str, log_string: str, cmd: str or None, add_new_line: bool) -> 'LogEntry':
        """Create the entry as info entry."""
        return cls(start_time=start_time, end_time=end_time, device_name=device_name, log_string_info=log_string_info, log_string=log_string, cmd=cmd, add_new_line=add_new_line, error=False, raw=False, binary=True)

    def set_timestamp_reference_time(self, ref_time: datetime):
        """Sets reference time for the start time. None (default value) means the start time is absolute."""
        self._timestamp_reference_time = ref_time

    def get_resolved_content(self, template: str, encoding: str) -> str:
        """Returns the resolved content. For raw entry it means only the log_string."""
        if self._raw is True:
            return self._log_string

        result_str = self._replace_variables(template)
        # For non-binary data, trim the end and escape the non-printable chars.
        if self._binary is False:
            result_str = result_str.rstrip(': ')
            result_str = escape_nonprintable_chars(result_str, encoding)
        return result_str

    def _replace_variables(self, format_string: str) -> str:
        """Replaces all the variables in the entered template string with their actual values."""
        content = format_string
        while True:
            m =
            if m:
                pos_left = == 'LEFT'
                spaces = int(
                var_name ='%')
                value = self._get_log_string_variable_values(var_name)
                value = value.rjust(spaces) if pos_left else value.ljust(spaces)
                content = content[:m.start()] + value + content[m.end():]
            m =
            if m:
                var_name =
                value = self._get_log_string_variable_values(var_name)
                content = content[:m.start()] + value + content[m.end():]
        return content

    def _get_log_string_variable_values(self, name: str) -> str:
        """Returns the required variable value.
        if name == 'START_TIME':
            if self._start_time is None:
                return ''
            if self._timestamp_reference_time is None:
                return get_timestamp_string(self._start_time)
                return get_timedelta_fixed_string(self._timestamp_reference_time, self._start_time)
        if name == 'END_TIME':
            if self._end_time is None:
                return ''
            return get_timestamp_string(self._end_time)
        if name == 'DURATION':
            if self._start_time is None or self._end_time is None:
                return ''
            return get_timedelta_string(self._start_time, self._end_time)
        if name == 'DEVICE_NAME':
            if self._device_name is None:
                return ''
            return self._device_name
        if name == 'LOG_STRING_INFO':
            if self._log_string_info is None:
                return ''
            return self._log_string_info
        if name == 'LOG_STRING':
            return self._log_string
        if name == 'SCPI_COMMAND':
            if self._cmd is None:
                return ''
            return self._cmd

class Segment:
    """Segment of logs"""

    def __init__(self):
        self.error_present = False
        self.entries: List[LogEntry] = []

    def add_to_segment(self, entry: LogEntry) -> None:
        """Adds an entry to the current segment."""
        if entry.error is True:
            self.error_present = True

    def empty(self) -> None:
        """Empties the list of entries for the current segment."""
        self.error_present = False
        self.entries = []

    def __del__(self):

class CachedEntries:
    """Entries that are cached internally, in case no target is defined, but the logging is ON"""

    def __init__(self):
        self.entries: List[LogEntry] = []
        self.truncated_count = 0

    def append(self, entry: LogEntry) -> None:
        """Appends one entry. If the list is longer than 1000 entries, the oldest one is deleted and truncated_count is increased by 1."""
        if len(self.entries) > 1000:
            self.truncated_count += 1

    def clear(self) -> None:
        """Clears all the cached entries."""
        self.entries = []
        self.truncated_count = 0

    def __del__(self):

[docs]class ScpiLogger: """Base class for SCPI logging""" def __init__(self, resource_name: str, encoding: str = 'charmap'): if resource_name is None: raise RsInstrException('resource_name cannot be None') self._orig_resource_name = resource_name self._global_mode: bool = False self._default_mode: LoggingMode = LoggingMode.Off self._last_logging_mode: LoggingMode = LoggingMode.On self._mode: LoggingMode = self._default_mode self._log_target_local = None self._cached = CachedEntries() self._timestamp_reference_time_local: datetime or None = None self._format_string: str = '' self._line_divider: str = '\n' self._target_auto_flushing = True self.restore_format_string() self._log_to_console = False self._log_to_udp = False self._udp_port = 49200 # Transients self._segment: Segment or None = None self._log_status_check_ok: bool = True self._socket = None # Printable chars set self._printable_chars = set(bytes(string.printable, 'ascii')) self._printable_chars.remove(10) self._printable_chars.remove(13) self._printable_chars.remove(32) self._printable_chars.remove(9) # Public properties self.device_name: str = resource_name """Use this property to change the resource name in the log from the default Resource Name (e.g. TCPIP:: to another name e.g. 'MySigGen1'.""" self.abbreviated_max_len_ascii: int = 200 """Defines the maximum length of one ASCII log entry. Default value is 200 characters.""" self.abbreviated_max_len_list: int = 100 """Defines the maximum length of one list entry. Default value is 100 elements.""" self.abbreviated_max_len_bin: int = 2048 """Defines the maximum length of one Binary log entry. Default value is 2048 bytes.""" self.bin_line_block_size: int = 16 """Defines number of bytes to display in one line. Default value is 16 bytes.""" self.encoding = encoding """Defines encoding of the strings into bytes. Default is charmap.""" self.allow_log_string_adjust = True """Specifies whether log string adjustment is allowed. Default is True.""" def __str__(self): value = f"ScpiLogger for '{self.device_name}'" if self.mode != LoggingMode.Off: value += f' mode: {}' else: value += f' OFF' if self.log_to_console is False and self._log_to_udp is False and self.get_logging_target() is None: return value value += ', target: ' if self.log_to_console: value += 'console + ' if self.log_to_udp: value += 'udp + ' if self._global_mode: value += 'global stream' elif self._log_target_local: value += 'stream' return value.strip('+ ') def start_new_segment(self) -> None: """Only relevant for if the log mode is LoggingMode.Errors. In this mode, all the logging is delayed until you call end_current_segment() Then, only if an error occurred, the logs are flushed to the output log. In case no error occurred, the logs are deleted.""" if self._segment: self.end_current_segment() raise RsInstrException('Segment was not property finished before the new one was started.') # Logging to segment is only started if the logging mode is set to LoggingMode.Errors # That causes in mode ON all the entries appear immediately, rather than being delayed until the segment is ended self._segment = None if self._mode == LoggingMode.Errors: self._segment = Segment() def end_current_segment(self) -> None: """Only relevant for if the log mode is LoggingMode.Errors. Calling this method causes the logger to either flush all the segment logs to the output log or delete them if no error occurred. This causes only the errors to be logged, but also with the appropriate context, so you can troubleshoot more easily.""" if self._segment: curr_segment = self._segment self._segment = None if self._mode == LoggingMode.Errors and curr_segment.error_present: # If error mode is on, and the segment contains at least one error entry, write the segment entries to the log for entry in curr_segment.entries: self._write_to_log(entry)
[docs] def set_format_string(self, value: str, line_divider: str = '\n') -> None: """Sets new format string and line divider. If you just want to set the line divider, set the format string value=None The original format string is: ``PAD_LEFT12(%START_TIME%) PAD_LEFT25(%DEVICE_NAME%) PAD_LEFT12(%DURATION%) %LOG_STRING_INFO%: %LOG_STRING%``\n Additional variables to use: ``%SCPI_COMMAND%``.""" if value is not None: self._format_string = value self._line_divider = line_divider
[docs] def restore_format_string(self) -> None: """Restores the original format string and the line divider to LF """ self._format_string = 'PAD_LEFT12(%START_TIME%) PAD_LEFT30(%DEVICE_NAME%) PAD_LEFT12(%DURATION%) %LOG_STRING_INFO%: %LOG_STRING%' self._line_divider = '\n'
[docs] def clear_cached_entries(self) -> None: """Clears potential cached log entries. Cached log entries are generated when the Logging is ON, but no target has been defined yet.""" self._cached.clear()
[docs] def set_logging_target(self, target, console_log: bool or None = None, udp_log: bool or None = None) -> None: """Sets logging target - the target must implement write() and flush(). You can optionally set the console and UDP logging ON or OFF. This method switches the logging target global OFF.""" self._log_target_local = target self._global_mode = False if console_log is not None: self._log_to_console = console_log if udp_log is not None: self._log_to_udp = udp_log self._flush_cached_entries()
[docs] def set_logging_target_global(self, console_log: bool or None = None, udp_log: bool or None = None) -> None: """Sets logging target to global. The global target must be defined. You can optionally set the console and UDP logging ON or OFF. """ if GlobalData.get_logging_target() is None: raise RsInstrException(f"Cannot set the logging to global target, because the global target has not been defined. Device name: '{self.device_name}'") self._global_mode = True if console_log is not None: self._log_to_console = console_log if udp_log is not None: self._log_to_udp = udp_log self._flush_cached_entries()
[docs] def get_logging_target(self): """Based on the global_mode, it returns the logging target: either the local or the global one.""" return self._log_target_local if self._global_mode is False else GlobalData.get_logging_target()
[docs] def get_relative_timestamp(self) -> datetime or None: """Based on the global_mode, it returns the relative timestamp: either the local or the global one.""" return self._timestamp_reference_time_local if self._global_mode is False else GlobalData.get_logging_relative_timestamp()
@property def target_auto_flushing(self) -> bool: """Returns status of the auto-flushing for the logging target.""" return self._target_auto_flushing @target_auto_flushing.setter def target_auto_flushing(self, value: bool) -> None: """Sets auto-flushing for the logging target. If set to True (default value), after each entry the stream is flushed, This makes sure, that even if your e.g. file stream is not closed at the end, it contains all the entries.""" self._target_auto_flushing = value @property def mode(self) -> LoggingMode: """Sets the logging ON or OFF. Additionally, you can set the logging ON only for errors. Possible values: * LoggingMode.Off - logging is switched OFF * LoggingMode.On - logging is switched ON * LoggingMode.Errors - logging is switched ON, but only for error entries * LoggingMode.Default - sets the logging to default - the value you have set with logger.default_mode """ return self._mode Off = 0 # Don't write messages to log On = 1 # Write message to log Errors = 2 # Only log errors. This is like 'Off', with the exception, that VisaIOErrors are logged. Default = 3 # Default mode @mode.setter def mode(self, value: LoggingMode) -> None: """Sets / returns the Logging mode.""" if self._segment: raise RsInstrException(f"Can not change the logging mode when a log segment is active. End the segment with ScpiLogger.end_current_segment(). Device name: '{self.device_name}'") value = self._resolve_log_mode(value) if self.mode != LoggingMode.Off: # logging is ON. Check the internal log entries and flush them to the target self._flush_cached_entries() self._mode = value if self._mode == LoggingMode.Off and self.get_logging_target(): # Logging was switched off, flush the entries on the target self.flush() def start(self) -> None: """Starts the logging with the last defined LoggingMode. Default is LoggingMode.On""" self.mode = self._last_logging_mode def stop(self) -> None: """Stops the logging. This is the same as: mode = LoggingMode.Off""" if self.mode is not LoggingMode.Off: self._last_logging_mode = self.mode self.mode = LoggingMode.Off @property def log_status_check_ok(self) -> bool: """Sets / returns the current status of status checking OK. If True (default), the log contains logging of the status checking 'Status check: OK'. If False, the 'Status check: OK' is skipped - the log is more compact. Errors will still be logged.""" return self._log_status_check_ok @log_status_check_ok.setter def log_status_check_ok(self, value: bool) -> None: """Sets new logging of status checking OK. If True (default), the log contains logging of the status checking 'Status check: OK'. If False, the 'Status check: OK' is skipped - the log is more compact. Errors will still be logged.""" self._log_status_check_ok = value, None, 'Logging of \'Status Check OK\'', 'ON' if value is True else 'OFF', None) @property def log_to_console(self) -> bool: """Returns logging to console status.""" return self._log_to_console @log_to_console.setter def log_to_console(self, value: bool) -> None: """Sets logging to console. Default value is False.""" self._log_to_console = value if self._log_to_console is True: self._flush_cached_entries() @property def log_to_udp(self) -> bool: """Returns logging to UDP status.""" return self._log_to_udp @log_to_udp.setter def log_to_udp(self, value: bool) -> None: """Sets logging to UDP. Default value is False.""" self._log_to_udp = value if self._log_to_udp is True: self._flush_cached_entries() @property def log_to_console_and_udp(self) -> bool: """Returns true, if both logging to UDP and console in are True.""" return self.log_to_udp and self.log_to_console @log_to_console_and_udp.setter def log_to_console_and_udp(self, value: bool) -> None: """Sets logging to UDP and console in one call. Compare to calling two methods, this one flushes potential cached entries to both targets.""" self._log_to_console = value self._log_to_udp = value if self._log_to_console is True: self._flush_cached_entries() @property def udp_port(self) -> int: """Returns udp logging port.""" return self._udp_port @udp_port.setter def udp_port(self, value: int) -> None: """Sets UDP logging port. Default value is 49200.""" self._udp_port = value
[docs] def set_relative_timestamp(self, timestamp: datetime) -> None: """If set, the further timestamps will be relative to the entered time.""" self._timestamp_reference_time_local = convert_ts_to_datetime(timestamp)
[docs] def set_relative_timestamp_now(self) -> None: """Sets the relative timestamp to the current time.""" self.set_relative_timestamp(
[docs] def clear_relative_timestamp(self) -> None: """Clears the reference time, and the further logging continues with absolute times.""" self._timestamp_reference_time_local = None
def _target_exists(self): """Returns true, if the target either console or udp, or stream exist.""" return self.get_logging_target() is not None or self.log_to_console is True or self._log_to_udp is True def _flush_cached_entries(self) -> bool: """Flushes internal log to the log target. Returns true if flushed.""" if not self._target_exists(): return False if self._cached.truncated_count > 0: self._write_to_log(LogEntry.as_raw_content(f'----- Missing {self._cached.truncated_count} oldest entries ----------', True)) for entry in self._cached.entries: entry.set_timestamp_reference_time(self.get_relative_timestamp()) self._write_to_log(entry) self.clear_cached_entries() return True def _resolve_log_mode(self, value: LoggingMode) -> LoggingMode: """Resolves the potential default mode.""" if value == LoggingMode.Default: return self._default_mode else: return value @property def default_mode(self) -> LoggingMode: """Sets / returns the default logging mode. You can recall the default mode by calling the logger.mode = LoggingMode.Default. :Data Type: LoggingMode """ return self._default_mode @default_mode.setter def default_mode(self, value: LoggingMode) -> None: """Sets the default logging mode. You can recall the default mode by calling the logger.mode = LoggingMode.Default""" if value == LoggingMode.Default: raise ValueError('LoggingMode.Default can not be set here. Use a specific value.') self._default_mode = value def _write_to_log(self, entry: LogEntry) -> None: """Logs the provided string to the target and optionally to the stdout. Error signals that the entry is an error entry.""" # Check if the segment is active and if so, write the log only to the segment. if self._segment: self._segment.add_to_segment(entry) return if not self._target_exists(): # No target is defined yet, cache the entries internally for now self._cached.append(entry) return # Only now, before writing to the log target, resolve the content. entry.set_timestamp_reference_time(self.get_relative_timestamp()) content = entry.get_resolved_content(self._format_string, self.encoding) if self.log_to_console: print(content) if self.log_to_udp: self._send_to_udp(content, entry.error) target = self.get_logging_target() if target: new_line = self._line_divider if entry.add_new_line else '' try: target.write(content + new_line) if self._target_auto_flushing: target.flush() except Exception as e: msg = f'Error logging to the stream. Message: \'{content}\'. Error: {e.args[0]}' raise RsInstrException(msg) return def _send_to_udp(self, content: str, error: bool): """Sends the log string to the defined udp port. Any socket exception is consumed.""" prefix = '[e]' if error else '[i]' msg = bytes(prefix + content, "utf-8") try: if self._socket is None: self._socket = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_DGRAM) self._socket.sendto(msg, ("", self._udp_port)) finally: return
[docs] def info_raw(self, log_entry: str, add_new_line: bool = True) -> None: """Method for logging the raw string without any formatting.""" if self.mode == LoggingMode.Off: return if self._mode == LoggingMode.Errors: # For errors logging mode, log the info only if the segment is active. # That means, it might be logged eventually as a context when the segment ends with an error if not self._segment: return entry = LogEntry.as_raw_content(log_entry, add_new_line) self._write_to_log(entry)
def _info_as_raw_entry(self, log_entry: LogEntry) -> None: """Method for logging the entry.""" if self.mode == LoggingMode.Off: return if self._mode == LoggingMode.Errors: # For errors logging mode, log the info only if the segment is active. # That means, it might be logged eventually as a context when the segment ends with an error if not self._segment: return self._write_to_log(log_entry)
[docs] def info(self, start_time: datetime or float or None, end_time: datetime or float or None, log_string_info: str, log_string: str, cmd: str or None) -> None: """Method for logging one info entry. For binary log_string, use the info_bin()""" if self.mode == LoggingMode.Off: return entry = self._compose_log_entry(start_time, end_time, log_string_info, log_string, cmd, self.abbreviated_max_len_ascii) entry.add_new_line = True self._info_as_raw_entry(entry)
def info_bin(self, start_time: datetime or float or None, end_time: datetime or float or None, log_string_info: str, cmd: str or None, log_data: bytes) -> None: """Method for logging one info entry where the log_data is binary (bytes).""" if self.mode == LoggingMode.Off: return entry = self._compose_bin_log_entry(start_time, end_time, log_string_info, cmd, log_data) entry.add_new_line = True self._info_as_raw_entry(entry) def info_list(self, start_time: datetime or float or None, end_time: datetime or float or None, log_string_info: str, cmd: str or None, list_data: List) -> None: """Method for logging one info entry where the list_data is decimal List[].""" if self.mode == LoggingMode.Off: return delimiter = ', ' if len(list_data) <= self.abbreviated_max_len_list: log_string = f'List size {len(list_data)}: {list_to_csv_str(list_data, delimiter=delimiter)}' else: chunk = self.abbreviated_max_len_list // 2 log_string = f'List size {len(list_data)}, showing first and last {chunk} elements: ' log_string += list_to_csv_str(list_data[:chunk], delimiter=delimiter) log_string += ' .... ' log_string += list_to_csv_str(list_data[-chunk:], delimiter=delimiter) entry = self._compose_log_entry(start_time, end_time, log_string_info, log_string, cmd, max_log_string_len=None) entry.add_new_line = True self._info_as_raw_entry(entry) def error_raw(self, log_entry: str, add_new_line: bool = True) -> None: """Method for logging one error entry without any formatting. Setting the error flag to True.""" if self.mode == LoggingMode.Off: return if self._segment: self._segment.error_present = True entry = LogEntry.as_raw_error_content(log_entry, add_new_line) self._write_to_log(entry) def _error_as_raw_entry(self, log_entry: LogEntry) -> None: """Method for logging one error entry.""" if self.mode == LoggingMode.Off: return if self._segment: self._segment.error_present = True log_entry.error = True log_entry.add_new_line = True self._write_to_log(log_entry)
[docs] def error(self, start_time: datetime or float or None, end_time: datetime or float or None, log_string_info: str, log_string: str, cmd: str or None) -> None: """Method for logging one error entry.""" if self.mode == LoggingMode.Off: return entry = self._compose_log_entry(start_time, end_time, log_string_info, log_string, cmd, self.abbreviated_max_len_ascii) self._error_as_raw_entry(entry)
def _adjust_log_strings(self, value: str) -> str: """Adjusts the log string to prevent repeating of the information in the fields.""" # Prevent repeating of the device name: if self.allow_log_string_adjust and 'DEVICE_NAME' in self._format_string: value = value.replace(f"'{self._orig_resource_name}': ", '') value = value.replace(f"'{self._orig_resource_name}' ", '') value = value.replace(f"'{self._orig_resource_name}'", '') value = value.replace(self._orig_resource_name, '') return value def _adjust_for_repeated_log_string_info(self, log_string_info: str, log_string) -> str: # Prevent repeating of the log string info in the log_string if 'LOG_STRING_INFO' in self._format_string: log_string = log_string.replace(f'{log_string_info}: ', '') log_string = log_string.replace(f'{log_string_info} ', '') log_string = log_string.replace(f'{log_string_info}', '') log_string = log_string.replace(log_string_info, '') return log_string def _compose_log_entry(self, start_time: datetime or float, end_time: datetime or float, log_string_info: str, log_string: str, cmd: str or None, max_log_string_len: int = None) -> LogEntry: """Composes the log string with the format defined in the self._format_string""" log_string_info = self._adjust_log_strings(log_string_info) log_string = self._adjust_log_strings(log_string) log_string = self._adjust_for_repeated_log_string_info(log_string_info, log_string) orig_len = len(log_string) # Shorten the long log strings if max_log_string_len is not None: if orig_len > self.abbreviated_max_len_ascii: log_string = shorten_string_middle(log_string, max_log_string_len) entry = LogEntry(start_time, end_time, self.device_name, log_string_info, log_string, cmd, add_new_line=False, error=False, raw=False, binary=False) return entry def _compose_bin_log_entry(self, start_time: datetime or float, end_time: datetime or float, log_string_info: str, cmd: str or None, log_data: bytes) -> LogEntry: """Composes the binary log string with the format defined in the self._format_string""" log_string_info = self._adjust_log_strings(log_string_info) log_string_info = escape_nonprintable_chars(log_string_info, self.encoding) log_string = self._compose_hexdump(log_data, offset_left=20) entry = LogEntry(start_time, end_time, self.device_name, log_string_info, log_string, cmd, add_new_line=False, error=False, raw=False, binary=True) return entry def _compose_hexdump(self, value: str or bytes, offset_left: int) -> str: """Composes hexdump string from string or bytes. The hex dump is organised in the groups of 16 bytes per line.""" if isinstance(value, str): value = bytes(value, self.encoding) size = len(value) line = f'{size_to_kb_mb_string(size, True)}' padding = ' ' * offset_left right_padding = self.bin_line_block_size * 3 - 1 max_lines = calculate_chunks_count(self.abbreviated_max_len_bin, self.bin_line_block_size) lines_count = calculate_chunks_count(size, self.bin_line_block_size) skipping = False skip_start = 0 skip_size = 0 if lines_count > (max_lines + 1): # Skip the lines in the middle skip_start = max_lines // 2 if skip_start == 0: skip_start = 1 skip_size = lines_count - max_lines if skip_start > 0 and skip_size > 0: skipping = True line += f', showing {max_lines} blocks (1 block = {self.bin_line_block_size} bytes) out of {lines_count}, skipped {get_plural_string("block", skip_size)} in the middle' skip_start *= self.bin_line_block_size skip_size *= self.bin_line_block_size ix = 0 end = 0 line += self._line_divider while end < size: if skipping and ix >= skip_start: ix += skip_size line += padding + ('...' * self.bin_line_block_size) + self._line_divider skipping = False end = ix + self.bin_line_block_size if end >= size: end = size chunk = value[ix: end] cp = [chr(c) if c in self._printable_chars else '.' for c in chunk] line += padding + ' '.join(wrap(chunk.hex(), 2)).ljust(right_padding) + ' ' + ''.join(cp) + self._line_divider ix += self.bin_line_block_size return line
[docs] def flush(self) -> None: """Flush all the entries.""" target = self.get_logging_target() if target: try: # The file might be already closed. target.flush() except ValueError: pass
def __del__(self): self.flush() def sync_from(self, source: 'ScpiLogger') -> None: """Synchronises this Logger with the source.""" self._orig_resource_name = source._orig_resource_name self.mode = source.mode self.default_mode = source.default_mode self.log_status_check_ok = source.log_status_check_ok self.log_to_console = source.log_to_console self.log_to_udp = source.log_to_udp self.udp_port = source.udp_port self.set_format_string(source._format_string, source._line_divider) self._target_auto_flushing = source._target_auto_flushing self._log_target_local = source._log_target_local self._timestamp_reference_time_local = source._timestamp_reference_time_local if source._global_mode is True: self.set_logging_target_global() # Public properties self.device_name = source.device_name self.abbreviated_max_len_ascii = source.abbreviated_max_len_ascii self.abbreviated_max_len_list = source.abbreviated_max_len_list self.abbreviated_max_len_bin = source.abbreviated_max_len_bin self.bin_line_block_size = source.bin_line_block_size self.encoding = source.encoding self.allow_log_string_adjust = source.allow_log_string_adjust