Source code for RsFsw.Implementations.Applications.K14x_Nr5G.Configure.Nr5G.Downlink.Cc.Idc

from ........Internal.Core import Core
from ........Internal.CommandsGroup import CommandsGroup
from ........Internal import Conversions
from ........ import repcap

# noinspection PyPep8Naming,PyAttributeOutsideInit,SpellCheckingInspection
[docs]class IdcCls: """Idc commands group definition. 1 total commands, 0 Subgroups, 1 group commands""" def __init__(self, core: Core, parent): self._core = core self._cmd_group = CommandsGroup("idc", core, parent)
[docs] def set(self, state: bool, carrierComponent=repcap.CarrierComponent.Default) -> None: """SCPI: CONFigure[:NR5G]:DL[:CC<cc>]:IDC \n Snippet: = False, carrierComponent = repcap.CarrierComponent.Default) \n Turns analysis of the DC carrier on and off. \n :param state: OFF | 0 Includes the DC carrier in the analysis. ON | 1 Excludes the DC carrier from the analysis. COMPensate Compensates the DC carrier. :param carrierComponent: optional repeated capability selector. Default value: Nr1 (settable in the interface 'Cc') """ param = Conversions.bool_to_str(state) carrierComponent_cmd_val = self._cmd_group.get_repcap_cmd_value(carrierComponent, repcap.CarrierComponent)'CONFigure:NR5G:DL:CC{carrierComponent_cmd_val}:IDC {param}')
[docs] def get(self, carrierComponent=repcap.CarrierComponent.Default) -> bool: """SCPI: CONFigure[:NR5G]:DL[:CC<cc>]:IDC \n Snippet: value: bool = = repcap.CarrierComponent.Default) \n Turns analysis of the DC carrier on and off. \n :param carrierComponent: optional repeated capability selector. Default value: Nr1 (settable in the interface 'Cc') :return: state: OFF | 0 Includes the DC carrier in the analysis. ON | 1 Excludes the DC carrier from the analysis. COMPensate Compensates the DC carrier.""" carrierComponent_cmd_val = self._cmd_group.get_repcap_cmd_value(carrierComponent, repcap.CarrierComponent) response ='CONFigure:NR5G:DL:CC{carrierComponent_cmd_val}:IDC?') return Conversions.str_to_bool(response)